Our amazing photo collection
←Mr. Mbugua presents the Power BI Technology at Ndakaini Dam
Tree Planting session to conserve the environment and water resources at Ndakaini
JKUAT Students poses for a photo during the World Water Day at Ndakaini
Launching of the Power BI Technology that monitors water levels
Launching of the Power BI Technology
Raphael Mwangi taking customers through Smoothtel Technology and Solutions
A Moment of happiness on the World Water Day
ISO 9001-2015 certified 2
ISO 9001-2015 certified 12
ISO 9001-2015 certified
ISO 9001-2015 certified 1
ISO 9001-2015 certified 2
ISO 9001-2015 certified 3
ISO 9001-2015 certified 4
ISO 9001-2015 certified 5
ISO 9001-2015 certified 6
ISO 9001-2015 certified 10
ISO 9001-2015 certified 11
“Congratulations”Our CEO, Mr. Raphael Mwangi officially receives a HIKVision partnership certificate
“We did it”Team members proudly display certificates of participation for a recent event
Pose and RememberOur Cisco partners, guests and team pose for a group photo during a Smoothtel & Cisco Partner breakfast event held at the Dusit D2 hotel
Cisco trainerA Cisco trainer briefs the crowd on various Cisco Solutions
Cisco trainer - table enhancedA Cisco trainer briefs the crowd on various Cisco Solutions
“Police mater”Our team member shares a bottle of water with Traffic police during the Nairobi, 2018 Mater Heart Run
“Run & Walk”Team members gloriously walk towards the finishing point for the Mater Run race
“Pose then Run”Our team assembles for a photo moment before the Race
“Fire Fighter”Our Trained Fire Marshall member bravely displays how to extinguish fire
“The Marshalls”Our Team prepares to display some fire control skills and basics learnt during a recent fire training
“Smoke & Fire”Team members cheerfully brainstorm on different fire extinguishing techniques.
Cheque presentationSmoothtel Marketing Officer presents a sponsorship cheque to the Nairobi Hospital C.E.O Mr. Gordon Odundo and Medical Director, Ravindra Bowry towards the hospital’s Children’s Heart Fund
Nairob hospital CEOThe Nairobi Hospital C.E.O gives a speech during a recent sponsorship event
Sankara groupOur partners pose for a group photo during a held at Sankara Hotel in Nairobi.
Sophos Partner BreakfastWeb Securities manager briefs the crowd on various products and solutions offered by Smoothtel
DelegatesSchool Delegates conference in a Smoothtel sponsored event that was held in Mombasa by Kenya private schools association (KPSA)
Facsinated.A Fascinated crowd learns about education solutions offered by Smoothtel at the Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA) event in Mombasa
Smoothtel’s International business partnersMr. Shinji Asano and Mohamed Tariq at the KICD (Kenya curriculum development) during a partner tour in the Country.
CEO & ELMO partnersSmoothtel team and ELMO business partners pose for a photograph during their partner visit at National Curriculum Innovation Centre in Nairobi