Products and Services
WatchGuard has pioneered cutting-edge cybersecurity technology and delivered it as easy-to-deploy and easy-to-manage solutions. With industry-leading network and endpoint security, secure Wi-Fi, multi-factor authentication, and network intelligence products and services, WatchGuard enables more than 250,000 small and midsize enterprises from around the globe to protect their most important assets including over 10 million endpoints. In a world where the cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, and new threats emerge each day, WatchGuard makes enterprise-grade cybersecurity technology accessible for every company.
Some of the security solutions offered by WatchGuard include:
Secure Wifi
WatchGuard offers a variety of solutions for introducing secure, fast, and easy-to-manage Wi-Fi into your business. From wireless-enabled Firebox appliances to Cloud-ready, feature-rich access points, we’ve got you covered. Focused on security, WatchGuard also offers dedicated WIPS sensors for enhancing the safety of existing Wi-Fi deployments.
Network Security
The security threats that face organizations are ever-changing and the solutions for combating these threats should be as well. WatchGuard offers the widest variety of network security solutions built from appliances ranging from tabletops to 1U rack-mounted units, and critical security services including standard IPS, URL filtering, Gateway AV, application control, and antispam to services for combating advanced threats such as file sandboxing, DNS filtering, and more.
Endpoint Security
WatchGuard Endpoint Security includes a wide range of extensible solutions to stop breaches, data theft, and cyber attacks. Our Cloud-based platform integrates the technology, intelligence and expertise to deliver advanced prevention, detection, containment and response capabilities via a lightweight agent. Get protection across the entire threat lifecycle by adding products like DNSWatchGO for endpoint DNS-level protection in the same offering.
Multi-factor Authentication
WatchGuard Endpoint Security includes a wide range of extensible solutions to stop breaches, data theft, and cyber attacks. Our Cloud-based platform integrates the technology, intelligence and expertise to deliver advanced prevention, detection, containment and response capabilities via a lightweight agent. Get protection across the entire threat lifecycle by adding products like DNS Watch GO for endpoint DNS-level protection in the same offering.
Trending Security topics
Advanced Malware
After exploiting technical or human vulnerabilities in your environment, an attacker will deliver malware to compromise your users’ computers for the purpose of stealing or denying access to information and systems.
Securing the remote workforce
As COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide, we are dedicated to working to support your needs as you enable secure remote work access for your staff. Our goal is to help organizations maintain business as usual, even when a disruption like this occurs.
Trusted Wireless Environment
A Trusted Wireless Environment is a framework businesses and solution providers can use to build Wi-Fi systems that deliver market-leading performance, enable scalability and provide verified, comprehensive security that protects from all six known Wi-Fi threat categories.
Week and stolen passport
Mounting pressure to devise strong, unique passwords, every 90 days, across dozens of online accounts has driven users to simplify, serialize and share passwords between accounts for even less password security than before. Hackers have noticed, and are now cracking or stealing them as their preferred way to gain access and breach networks.